Snake Magic Vials
Snake Magic Vials
Snakes have long been associated with deities globally. For the Irish, it was Brigid, whose staff was said to have been coiled by a snake or a braid that represented one. To the druids, serpents were primordial beings with an ancient knowledge and wisdom of the earth. They are most often aligned with fertility, regeneration and rebirth, as they slink beneath the ground during winter and rise again with the warmth of spring.
Opposingly, the snake can also be used as magical disguise; the shedding of one’s skin to represent another. Snakes slough off their old skins, allowing a new skin to emerge from underneath.
Whatever the use in your beliefs, these vials provide you with ingredients for your work. Vials contain real snake skin and rib bones for your magical needs. Vials are 2.5” tall.
Magic and divination are subject to interpretation. Follow your instincts. Mountain Hedgewitch does not guarantee any spells that these ingredients are incorporated into will make the spell successful. All animal products are sourced ethically, responsibly and respectfully.